It’s Spring Cleaning Time

Your Personal Spring Clean

Despite some unexpected snow last week we’re now well into spring.  Up here in the hills the daffodils are out and the lambs are playing in next door’s field. So as it’s spring time, it must be time for some spring cleaning.

As well as tidying up our home it’s also a great time to do a personal spring clean – clearing out the things that are no longer required, making room for anything you may want to do more of (or anything new you want to start) and get ready for the summer.

A lot of us hold onto clutter – both in our homes and in our lives. If you’ve got too much clutter in your life, now is a great time to deal with it. These could be things you’ve wanted to do but haven’t had the time and space to start, issues that you know you need to deal with, but haven’t addressed yet, or you just want to take stock.

By sorting though the jumble you may come across something really important and valuable that you’d forgotten about.

So get ready to spring forward, make the most out of the longer days and (hopefully) warm weather.

And if you’re ready for a personal spring clean give me a call for a free 40 minute coaching session to really get moving.

Remember: If the cupboard is full you have to take some things out if you want to put something new in.

What do you think?